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Webinars starting with E

Enterprise-Wide Democratization of AI/ML

Enterprise-Wide Democratization of AI/ML
Monday, 28 June 2021

In the next few years, Enterprise-wide adoption of AI and Cloud would dramatically increase and the ability to build/utilize AI solutions will move from highly specialized data scientists to other Data Citizens as well. Pharma organizations should adopt a wholistic approach in democratizing their AI and Cloud assets to ensure ease of adoption, seamless governance, and strict compliance in order to be successful. Some of the barriers to this are:

  • Overhead effort in installing, setting up, maintaining, and connecting with enterprise data ecosystems with strong security and compliance.
  • Fragmented AI/ML Ecosystem, inconsistent technology usage, lack of trust, duplication of effort and difficulty in collaboration.
  • Leadership’s lack of ability to understand, estimate and monitor the Analytics costs across people and technology.

In this Webinar, we will be discussing about how a wholistic approach can be adopted by enabling a unified governance ecosystem which strikes a balance between governance and ease of use enabling organizations to adopt AI/ML freely.


  • Sammed Kumar is a technical product manager at D Cube Analytics, has 15+ years of Industry experience in Data and Analytics, Data governance and syndication. Sammed has managed various initiatives in the areas of building Pharma MDM platforms, Data Warehouse, and advanced personalization.
  • Samuel Jaideep is an Associate Product Architect at D Cube Analytics, has 7+ years of Industry experience in Web Technologies and Cloud Engineering. Jaideep has been involved in architecting and development of various Web Applications for multiple clients in the course of time.
  • Meda Ajay Krishna is an Associate Product Architect at D Cube Analytics. He brings close to 7+ years of experience in Cloud – DevOps and product planning. He has experience in designing network and security for various applications. He has experience in designing Data Engineering and Pharma MDM platforms.

Elevate Your Market Access Intelligence to Identify Targetable Payer and Provider Segments

Elevate Your Market Access Intelligence to Identify Targetable Payer and Provider Segments
Wednesday, 24 June 2020

The increasing costs of drugs in the US is a growing concern for payers. Customarily, payers were less willing to confine the market access of drugs that address perilous conditions like cancer; however, as newer and more efficacious treatments have become available, payers have begun to concentrate on strategies to abridge the expense of specialty drugs. Along with payers, provider organizations are also playing a significant role in driving therapeutic choice and managing the cost of specialty drugs. To respond to this evolving landscape, pharma companies need strong and novel analytics approaches to understand how payers and providers are driving drug utilization.

In this webinar, we will be taking you through how to target the right payers and providers and optimize contracting strategies for each of them by leveraging formulary, sales and real-world data. We will also be discussing how pharma companies can enhance contracting strategies across a portfolio of drugs by analyzing the utilization management patterns of payers, level of competition, market dynamics, etc.


  • Keshav Kabra, Principal Consultant, D Cube Analytics
  • Ajitha Surendran, Consultant, D Cube Analytics

Exploring The Patient as a Person, Session 3: Integrating Real-World Data - How to Assess the Value

Thursday, 18 October 2018

The previous webinar focused on the strengths and weaknesses of each type of patient-level data. As you learned, while there are many strengths in each type, there are also gaps. Many of these gaps can hinder answering your complete research question. So how can you use real-world data and not compromise your research? The answer is in integration, bringing these datasets together.

This webinar will examine different methods for integrating RWD so that you can answer your patient-centric research objective. As part of this integration, the webinar will also examine how integrating other types of datasets with traditional RWD can offer unique insights in ways that could never be done before. Specific user cases and research questions will be examined to help illustrate RWD integration.


  • Tom Haskell, Global Head of Data Analytics, Kantar Health

Exploring The Patient as a Person, Session 4: Protecting Privacy in the Age of Patient Centricity

Exploring The Patient as a Person, Session 4: Protecting Privacy in the Age of Patient Centricity
Wednesday, 07 March 2018

The healthcare industry’s focus on patient centricity has meant that healthcare researchers working on behalf of the industry are looking for patient insights through a variety of channels – from healthcare providers, from the patients themselves and from biometric data, to name just a few. However, researchers face many challenges in protecting individual privacy: the copious amount of data being collected; the difficulty in keeping patient data absolutely anonymous at all times; the possibility of discovering patient information that the patients themselves are unaware of, such as from genomic sequencing; and the industry as a whole working on innovations that will change diagnosis, treatment and resource allocation that will be a potential minefield for privacy regulations.

This webinar will focus on helping you understand the tricky privacy landscape and examine how the landscape differs in different countries. It will also provide you practical advice on how to avoid pitfalls as you delve more into patient-centric research.


  • Dr. Jessica Santos, Global Compliance and Quality Director, Kantar Health

Exploring The Patient as a Person, Session 2: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly: A Practical Guide to Real-World Data

Exploring The Patient as a Person, Session 2: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly: A Practical Guide to Real-World Data
Wednesday, 07 February 2018

With patient centricity the hot word in Life Sciences research right now, Real-World Data (or patient-level datasets) are absolutely critical to your research. Data suppliers are offering open claims, closed claims data, EHR data, patient registries, etc., and they claim their datasets provide exactly what you need to do your research. But can you trust these claims?

This webinar will focus on all of the different types of Real-World Data and “The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly” of each of these types to help you navigate through all of the vendor sales pitches to ask the right questions to your vendors so you can pick the best dataset for whatever your request objectives are.


  • Tom Haskell, Global Head of Data Analytics, Kantar Health

Exploring The Patient as a Person, Session 1: Patient Ecosystem: Gaining a Human Perspective of the Impact of Disease

Exploring The Patient as a Person, Session 1: Patient Ecosystem: Gaining a Human Perspective of the Impact of Disease
Wednesday, 24 January 2018

It's not what patients say, but what they do and how they feel.

Healthcare is changing at a rapid pace, and to truly understand the individual suffering from a health condition you need to better understand the emotional drivers and challenges people face to maintain an acceptable quality-of-life, regardless of disease or condition. These make up the "Patient Ecosystem," which encompasses the person, his or her condition(s) or disease(s) and the many surrounding factors that influence behavior, attitudes, care and quality-of-life.

This Webinar will discuss a research approach that enables you to obtain insights into the relationship between the individual person and condition and the influences of behavior. By holistically working to gain a deep understanding of impactful socio-cultural influences and contextual environments, you are also able to identify and influence transformative strategies to change these behaviors.

We will use a real example with people with Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) to demonstrate how we achieve an understanding of the physical, emotional and social impact of this condition.


  • Sheila Mott, Kantar Health