Exploring The Patient as a Person, Session 2: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly: A Practical Guide to Real-World Data

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With patient centricity the hot word in Life Sciences research right now, Real-World Data (or patient-level datasets) are absolutely critical to your research. Data suppliers are offering open claims, closed claims data, EHR data, patient registries, etc., and they claim their datasets provide exactly what you need to do your research. But can you trust these claims?

This webinar will focus on all of the different types of Real-World Data and “The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly” of each of these types to help you navigate through all of the vendor sales pitches to ask the right questions to your vendors so you can pick the best dataset for whatever your request objectives are.


  • Tom Haskell, Global Head of Data Analytics, Kantar Health

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