Exploring The Patient as a Person, Session 4: Protecting Privacy in the Age of Patient Centricity

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The healthcare industry’s focus on patient centricity has meant that healthcare researchers working on behalf of the industry are looking for patient insights through a variety of channels – from healthcare providers, from the patients themselves and from biometric data, to name just a few. However, researchers face many challenges in protecting individual privacy: the copious amount of data being collected; the difficulty in keeping patient data absolutely anonymous at all times; the possibility of discovering patient information that the patients themselves are unaware of, such as from genomic sequencing; and the industry as a whole working on innovations that will change diagnosis, treatment and resource allocation that will be a potential minefield for privacy regulations.

This webinar will focus on helping you understand the tricky privacy landscape and examine how the landscape differs in different countries. It will also provide you practical advice on how to avoid pitfalls as you delve more into patient-centric research.


  • Dr. Jessica Santos, Global Compliance and Quality Director, Kantar Health

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