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Webinars starting with M

Maximizing Engagement with a Commercial Response Model Based on Aggregated Competitive Data

Maximizing Engagement with a Commercial Response Model Based on Aggregated Competitive Data
Friday, 28 January 2022

The landscape in which pharma companies have been operating was changing even prior to the COVID-19 pandemic. The pandemic accelerated changes that were already happening.

  • Industry’s access to healthcare professionals (HCPs) is diminishing
  • Promotional materials need to be more personalized for the HCP to engage with them
  • Broader changes in the healthcare market (centralization of healthcare organizations, broader restrictions on healthcare expenditures, regulations such as the Sunshine Act, etc) have diminished demand for reps
  • Today’s HCPs demand more choice in both the message, frequency, and the medium

While untangling all these trends is a difficult task, Veeva has created a framework that is flexible enough to encompass the data available on many of these trends. In addition, this model takes into account that there is heterogeneity in the marketing approaches of different companies, and in how effective they have been in adopting each channel.

Master & Reference Data Management for the Pharma Industry: Drivers & Opportunities

Master & Reference Data Management for the Pharma Industry: Drivers & Opportunities
Friday, 09 October 2020

Hear from Sangeet Khullar, Director of Data Architecture at Daiichi Sankyo, as he walks through his experience on Data Quality, RDM, and MDM initiatives in Pharma, including:

  • Reference data ( industry-standard dictionaries for data analysis and publications)
  • Master Data – Consistency of Protocol Numbers
  • Cost reduction through simplifying data processes
  • Regulatory Mandates ( IDMP etc.)

The session will detail how Daiichi Sankyo uses the Ataccama platform to control the quality of their data and maintain strict, holistic data governance—thereby supporting and ensuring the success of drug development processes.


  • Sangeet Khullar, Director of Data Architecture, Daiichi Sankyo

Managing Incentive Compensation During COVID-19: Point-of-view on Managing Sales Force Incentive Program Strategy

Managing Incentive Compensation During COVID-19: Point-of-view on Managing Sales Force Incentive Program Strategy
Wednesday, 22 April 2020

Life Sciences companies are grappling with the huge impacts that the global coronavirus pandemic is creating for day-to-day lives, health systems, and the global economy. Countries and localities have instituted travel bans and social distancing mandates, including closing non-essential businesses, to help contain the spread of the virus. In-person access to healthcare providers has been limited to just patients seeking treatment. While some of these measures are likely shorter-term in nature, experts are predicting longer-term impacts throughout 2020.

Pharma companies, and their sales forces in particular, are seeing huge disruptions. Access to health care providers is reduced or eliminated in much of the world, sidelining sales reps from their normal personal promotion work. Companies are grappling with how to proactively manage these key employees (and this key asset), considering the full sales operations landscape and incentive compensation (IC) plans, during these unusual circumstances.

In this webinar session, Axtria will:

  • Provide an overview of how COVID-19 is disrupting the sales force and impacting all sales operations areas, with a focus on IC.
  • Discuss the key objectives sales operations leaders are focused on when considering IC changes, including employee safety, sales force engagement, and effective use of IC budgets.
  • Look at the IC levers available to sales operations leaders while managing the impact of COVID-19 from a short-term, medium-term, and long-term perspective.
  • Review some of the commonly used tactics and strategies that pharma companies are embracing in these unprecedented times.


  • Asheesh Sharma, Head Commercial Excellence, Axtria
  • Daniel Stewart, Director, Axtria
  • Abhijit (Abhi) Paul, Director, Axtria

Measuring the Impact of Near Real-Time Medical Claims to Target Physicians with Newly Diagnosed Patients

Measuring the Impact of Near Real-Time Medical Claims to Target Physicians with Newly Diagnosed Patients
Sunday, 01 April 2018

As health care technology evolves, medical claims data is becoming more rapidly available. This shift has opened a door to new and innovative ways of using daily and weekly claims feeds to derive key insights and enable more agile sales and marketing teams.

Through the use of near real-time medical claims in this way, we will explore how pharmaceutical companies can engage the right HCP at the right time, deliver the right message for their product, and drive sales with an early competitive advantage.


  • Abigail Bernardi, LexisNexis® Risk Solutions – Health Care