2024 Annual Conference - Call for Abstracts

2024 Annual Conference • Denver, Colorado • May 5-8

Founded in 1977, PMSA is a not-for-profit organization whose mission focuses on collaboration and education. Since its inception, PMSA has held in-person events at which professionals in pharma and biotech analytics (manufacturers and consultants alike) come together to discuss analytical methods and best practices for applying prescriber, institution, payer, patient level, and other emerging data resources to help companies make data-driven, strategic decisions that bring value to the bottom line.

Potential speakers at our 2024 Annual Conference are invited to submit an abstract (up to two pages) that clearly outlines the topic and problem to solve, as well as analytical solutions, methodology, and data sources and applications utilized. Vendor/consultants are encouraged to co-present with a client representative.

Abstract Submission Instructions: New for 2024!
To submit an abstract, please click here and then click on Sign In / Create Account at the bottom of the page. It will walk you through creating an account in CATALYST. Once you have created an account, you may submit an abstract.

Due to the generally large number of submissions, the selection process is competitive, and will be based upon the following criteria:

  • Meaningful business problem to solve
  • Specificity and clarity in methodology
  • Depth of insights in implementation through examples of application
  • Ability to demonstrate business impact
  • Clear and insightful takeaways for the audience
  • Overall clarity and content

The 2024 program selection will reflect presentations from the following broad topic areas:

  • AI and machine learning
  • Multi-channel/omni-channel strategy
  • Impact of evolving digital promotional mediums
  • Sales force optimization and analytics
  • New product launches – metrics & analytics
  • Managed market analytics – IDN/SP/pricing/contracting
  • Use of new and novel data sources (e.g. diagnostics data, patient-level data for commercial operations)
  • Evolution of ROI measurement approaches in the digital era and more!

Important - Please note: If your abstract is accepted, your final presentation will be published in its entirety in conference materials and on the PMSA website. PMSA is pleased to provide up to two co-presenters with a discounted PMSA speaker rate, in recognition of your commitment to present at the 2024 conference. This rate is only available to PMSA speakers.

Prior to the conference, selected speakers will need to provide draft and final copies of their presentations (on a PMSA PowerPoint template) for review and approval.

The abstract submission deadline is November 10, 2023. Thank you in advance for your submission!