Using Closed-Loop Measurement to Take your DTC Marketing to the Next Level

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Pharma spends nearly $4 billion a year on direct-to-consumer (DTC) advertising with no signs of slowing down. Yet, many pharma companies still struggle to analyze and optimize linear TV and digital marketing because they don’t know which components most effectively drive patient behavior and impact sales. By linking TV and digital ad exposure to health data in a privacy-safe way, clients can customize metrics to measure real world health actions and ultimately ROI.

In this webinar, we will demonstrate closed-loop measurement success through a client’s experience analyzing a specific TV campaign’s reach to a qualified audience and the campaign’s success in prompting action (for example: visiting a doctor, scheduling a screening, getting a script for the brand, etc.). Attendees will learn from this real-world example how closed-loop measurement provides best practices for directly measuring an advertisement’s impact on the patient journey and collaborating with creative and media agencies.


  • Greg Fry, Patient and Consumer Marketing Analytics, ZS Associates

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