Shattering Commercial Silos

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This webinar will focus on breaking down the social construct in pharmaceuticals regarding the necessity of silos. The presentation will begin with a summary of silos and the types of silos that exist, both internally and externally. The pros and cons of building silos in the first place will be discussed From there, problems with silos are presented. Patrick Lencioni described silos as “a waste of resources, (that can) kill productivity, and jeopardize the achievement of goals.”

After learning about silos and the dangers they present, advice on breaking them down, and the benefits of doing so, will be presented. The presentation will then discuss creating synergized, multichannel silos that work together and benefit each other. Such silos look at stakeholders and analyze the interactions of multiple channels. Due to the synergy of multiple channels instead of direct, top-to-bottom approaches, multichannel is a more efficient implementation of silos in the pharmaceutical industry.


  • Mitchell Krassan, Chief Strategy & Performance Officer, TherapeuticsMD

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