Is COVID-19 Accelerating The Pharma Industry’s Journey Toward Omnichannel Customer Engagement?

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The COVID-19 pandemic has impacted every walk of life, and businesses are still in the midst of evaluating the pandemic’s impact and mitigating potential losses during these times. The pharmaceutical industry, which is at the forefront of finding an effective cure for the pandemic, has also faced challenges. The industry needs to explore innovative ways to engage with its core customer groups (including patients, prescribers, and payers).

Even before the pandemic hit the globe, the pharmaceutical industry was grappling with the notion of enabling omnichannel strategies to engage with key customers. As the pandemic has resulted in complete lockdown on sales rep access to physician offices, the industry has been forced to devise an omnichannel engagement strategy “on-the-fly.” Most companies had to set up remote detailing capability in their reps’ CRM platforms. But omnichannel engagement goes beyond just remote or virtual detailing – it also requires changing the focus from the brand/campaign to the customer.

In this webinar, Axtria will review the current trends toward omnichannel migration in the industry. The webinar will discuss how the customers of the pharmaceutical industry (i.e., patients, prescribers, and payers) have embraced omnichannel to connect with each other and how the industry needs to adapt to meet needs based on customer-preferred channels. The webinar will also cover new approaches to using population mobility information to devise a differentiated omnichannel strategy during the time when local economies start to open up. Axtria will also recommend a path for pharmaceutical companies to transition their traditional multichannel planning approach to an orchestrated omnichannel planning approach.


  • Dhaval Mukhatyar, Senior Director, Axtria
  • Bob Mozenter, MS, MBA, Director, Marketing Solutions, Axtria
  • Devesh Verma, PhD, Principal, Axtria

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