Claims Data Shows IDNs' Worth: Reaching Sales and Business Objectives through Understanding IDN Value

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Insights at the intersection of claims and integrated delivery network data can empower pharmaceutical and medical device companies to identify and prioritize high-value sales targets and opportunities. With many internal layers, connections, and networks invisible to outsiders, the modern Life Sciences universe has created new challenges for brand teams at pharmaceutical and medical device companies.

In recent years, Life Sciences organizations have operated in a challenging healthcare environment. Value-based care reimbursement models seek to improve outcomes while reducing costs; patient access to high-cost branded therapies is sometimes restricted; and acquisitions among hospitals and physician practices are now commonplace. One result of the altered operational landscape is a new model for care delivery: the Integrated Delivery Network (IDN).

Join Rebecca Hauck and Anja M. from LexisNexis® Health Care to learn how you can bring clarity to this complex universe by combining IDN provider and facility level data with medical claims volumes to help Life Sciences organizations determine the value of IDNs for a particular therapy area. These insights help transform challenges into opportunities by optimizing business processes, increasing market share, reducing coverage gaps, and improving revenue growth.


  • Rebecca Hauck, LexisNexis Health Care
  • Anja Maciagiewicz, LexisNexis Health Care

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LexisNexis Health Care Risk Solutions Group

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