Member Spotlight: Scott Hull

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This month's spotlight focuses on new PMSA Board member Scott Hull, Director, Advanced Analytics, at Takeda. He works with stakeholders by applying modeling techniques to solve business problems, and his key role and passion is as an Analytics Translator and a leader of Data Scientists.

PMSA: How many years have you been in the industry?
Scott Hull: I have been in the pharmaceutical industry for 28 years.

PMSA: What attracted you to the field?
SH: I had several friends who were Pharmaceutical Sales Representatives and they heavily recruited me. I fell in love with the industry and the business of healthcare.

PMSA: How did you first hear about PMSA?
SH: In 2000, I left Sales and moved into Analytics, and colleagues introduced me to the association.

PMSA: How many years have you attended the PMSA conference?
SH: I have attended four PMSA conferences to date. As my roles advanced in the Analytics area, my interest in the association increased.

PMSA: Please describe any current projects you are excited about.
SH: I am currently interested in using machine learning to predict a product’s sensitivity to Medicare Part D, and analyzing sunshine data for our rare disease products. I am also exploring the impact and control of healthcare systems, HCPs and patients.

PMSA: Do you have any predictions for the future?
SH: We need more Analytics Translators. They help ensure that organizations achieve real impact from their analytics initiatives (which has the added benefit of keeping data scientists fulfilled and more likely to stay on, easing executives’ stress over sourcing that talent).

We need to get better at storytelling with our data. Our stakeholders are typically less analytical, and careful attention to the story in the data is more important than ever.

PMSA: What are your hobbies?
SH: I enjoy playing golf with my son, reading books by Brad Thor and Tom Clancy, and PC gaming.

PMSA: Thank you, Scott!