Member Spotlight: Jing Jin

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This month's spotlight focuses on PMSA Program Committee member Jing Jin, Sr. Manager, Business Analytics, at CSL Behring.

PMSA: How many years have you been in the industry?
Jing Jin:I have been in the industry for 12 years. Early in my career as a statistician, I worked on primary research data modeling and forecasting for pharmaceutical companies, then I transitioned into the Pharma commercial analytics field. I worked for GSK for a couple of years and am currently at CSL Behring.

PMSA: What attracted you to the field?
JJ: I enjoy problem solving and I strongly believe in data-driven analytics and decisions. I have worked across many therapeutic areas and healthcare data assets, and I naturally developed a strong interest in pharmaceutical marketing science. I’m passionate about mining data and uncovering key insights that help commercial organizations make better decisions and, ultimately, to improve patient lives.

PMSA: How did you first hear about PMSA?
JJ: I first heard about PMSA in 2008 after my manager attended the annual conference and brought back material for the team to read and learn. Since then I have closely followed activities in the PMSA community.

PMSA: How many years have you attended the PMSA conference?
JJ: The last time I attended the conference was 2018, and I’m excited for the upcoming 2020 conference.

PMSA: Please describe any current projects you are excited about.
JJ: My passion always lies in translating data and analytics into actionable insights. It’s critical to bring to stakeholders the right level of analytics and insights that can be operationalized. There are a few areas I’m excited about in my current role:

  • Promotion effectiveness measurement and investment guidance in rare disease markets that help optimize commercial resources
  • Patient journey analytics that enable effective marketing and patient services
  • Visualization/dashboards with timely and synthesized insights that can be accessible by cross functional partners, including marketing, sales, health care system teams, medical affairs and sales operation teams

I’m also very excited to be a part of the PMSA Program committee, to keep up and learn about cutting edge approaches and innovative solutions to solve a variety of business questions in the field.

PMSA: Do you have any predictions for the future?
JJ: The amount of healthcare data will continue to grow exponentially along with technology and digital transformation. Rigorous industry regulations and data privacy laws will create challenges and opportunities for marketing science communities. It is critical to put appropriate resources in place for data integration and management, which will allow more effective application of machine learning and advanced analytics. Real time personalized marketing will be within our reach, and it is exciting for marketing science professionals to continue to learn and add value to the evolving industry.

PMSA: What are your hobbies?
JJ: I love outdoor activities. I enjoy running regularly, hiking, skiing, paddle boarding, biking and traveling with my husband and daughters.