Member Spotlight: Gellert Toth

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This month's spotlight focuses on Gellert Toth, Senior Director - Advanced Analytics, Sanofi US, who recently presented at the PMSA 2018 Winter Symposium.

PMSA: How many years have you been in the industry?
Gellert Toth: My first job at a pharma manufacturer was at Novartis, in 2000.

PMSA: What attracted you to the field?
GT: I was always intrigued by science, especially behavioral science that is based on statistics and math. The opportunities in pharma marketing have always been endless.

PMSA: How did you first hear about PMSA?
GT: I worked in a group at Sanofi that included marketing science, market research and some operations related functions. My colleagues working in marketing science were involved with PMSA.

PMSA: How many years have you attended the PMSA conference?
GT: The first PMSA conference I attended was in Las Vegas in 2008. I have not been to all the conferences between then and now but I try to go when I don’t have other work related commitments. I presented at three different conferences.

PMSA: Please describe any current projects you are excited about.
GT: I am very excited about channel and message optimization near real time. Predicting which channel combination and message will maximize the potential of a customer is a huge challenge but we now have machine learning that allows us to solve problems like this.

Getting the right data from various marketing partners is a challenge, and connecting that data is also difficult, but once done, the possibilities are endless.

PMSA: Do you have any predictions for the future?
GT: I am certain that personalized marketing to our customers is just around the corner. Machine learning will enable us to take concepts developed by companies like Google and Netflix and translate them into models appropriate in pharma.

PMSA: What do you like to do during your free time?
GT: I like to play and listen to loud music. If a guitar is plugged into an amplifier with some processors and a wah pedal, I will probably like it.

PMSA: Thank you, Gellert!